b'Preserving nonprofit spaceFacing the potential loss of our affordable offices at 9399 Bishop Allen Drive, we found a solution and communitysupport to address a mounting regional problem. Heres what it took:1. ASSESSINGFALL 2018 2. ORGANIZINGWINTER 2018September 25, 2018 October 4, 2018 October 18, 2018 Ongoing December 21, 2018Enroot notifies CCF theCCF forms the CCF Enroot publiclyConversations amongCCF and CRA enter building will be sold. Real Estate Committee,announces the building tenants continue. into a memorandum of P E C P I O P N O N A G V R E S E R I N R F T S including board membersbuilding sale. understanding to explore and experts in develop- November 20, 2018 the viability of retaining ment and real estate, toOctober 25, 2018 CCF begins discussions9399 Bishop Allen Drive conduct research andEnroot and tenants with the Cambridgefor nonprofit use. explore solutions. Regularmeet to discuss the Redevelopment Authority meetings are held throughbuilding sale, concerns,(CRA). Enroot announces July 2019. Conversationsand options for the it will extend all leases to and meetings amongtransition period. July 31, 2021, and delays building tenants begin. the sale to allow theCCF and tenants timeto explore solutions.6'