Equity &
Innovation Cities
The Case of Cambridge
A Research Report by the Cambridge Community Foundation
Central Square. Photo by Lou Jones.
Project director: Geeta Pradhan
Project managers: Ellie Immerman, Lauren Marshall
Principal writers: Patricia Brady, Jessica Martin
Principal researcher: Jessica Martin
Editor: Elizabeth Gehrman
Design: One Visual Mind
Proofreader: Cathy Armer
About the Cambridge Community Foundation
The Cambridge Community Foundation is the local giving platform supporting our city’s shared prosperity, social equity, and cultural richness, with roots that go a century deep. A civic leader, philanthropic partner, and grant maker, the Foundation highlights emerging and critical needs and catalyzes efforts to ensure resources are focused where they can make the greatest difference.
This report contains important data, but numbers alone cannot tell the full story of a city undergoing change. We are deeply grateful to the many Cambridge residents who enriched this report with their thoughts and stories, and to those who reviewed our findings. We are also grateful to CCF Board Member Rev. Adam L. Dyer and Charles M. Sullivan, executive director of the Cambridge Historical Commission, for their invaluable insights, and to CCF staff members Atsede Assayehgen and Jenny White for their contributions. We extend our thanks to the Microsoft Corporation for its financial support of this project. Finally, we thank the exceptional photographers of Cambridge, whose talent behind the lens helped us see Cambridge with a new clarity.
Ty Bellitti
Tevin Charles
Polyxane Cobb
Ben Fox
Elon Fyfield
John Gates
CherryAnn Goodridge
Keisha Greaves
Jim Manning
Emmanuel Mervil
Abina Nepal
Jackie O’Riley
Erinn Pearson
Sherletha Perron
Susan Richards
Rose Schutzberg
Rick Weissbourd
and two anonymous
Andus Baker
Ty Bellitti
Tara Clark
Tony Clark
Cliff Cook
Lauren Cosulich
Tom Evans
Christina Gabriel
Sarah Gallop
Bob Gittens
Ken Goulding
Richard Harding
Rick Harriman
Chris Hope
Phil Johnson
Rosemarie Johnson
Steve Johnson
Drew Kane
Elizabeth Keating
Dan Kern
Lori Lander
Eva Martin Blythe
Khari Milner
Maisha Moses
Sirisha Rangavajhala
Kenneth Reeves
Susan Richards
Ellen Semonoff
Lorraine Thornhill
Susan Walsh
C.A. Webb
Greig Cranna
Kristen Joy Emack
Lou Jones
Sam Seidel
and others
This report contains important data, but numbers alone cannot tell the full story of a city undergoing change. We are deeply grateful to the many Cambridge residents who enriched this report with their thoughts and stories, and to those who reviewed our findings. We are also grateful to CCF Board Member Rev. Adam L. Dyer and Charles M. Sullivan, executive director of the Cambridge Historical Commission, for their invaluable insights, and to CCF staff members Atsede Assayehgen and Jenny White for their contributions. We extend our thanks to the Microsoft Corporation for its financial support of this project. Finally, we thank the exceptional photographers of Cambridge, whose talent behind the lens helped us see Cambridge with a new clarity.
Ty Bellitti, Tevin Charles, Polyxane Cobb, Ben Fox, Elon Fyfield, John Gates, CherryAnn Goodridge, Keisha Greaves, Jim Manning, Emmanuel Mervil, Abina Nepal, Jackie O’Riley, Erinn Pearson, Sherletha Perron, Susan Richards, Rose Schutzberg, Rick Weissbourd, and two anonymous interviewees
Andus Baker, Ty Bellitti, Tara Clark, Tony Clark, Cliff Cook, Lauren Cosulich, Tom Evans, Christina Gabriel, Sarah Gallop,Bob Gittens, Ken Goulding, Richard Harding, Rick Harriman, Chris Hope, Phil Johnson, Rosemarie Johnson, Steve Johnson, Drew Kane, Elizabeth Keating, Dan Kern, Lori Lander, Eva Martin Blythe, Khari Milner, Maisha Moses, Sirisha Rangavajhala, Kenneth Reeves, Susan Richards, Ellen Semonoff, Lorraine Thornhill, Susan Walsh, C.A. Webb
Greig Cranna, Kristen Joy Emack, Lou Jones, Sam Seidel, and others