As a philanthropic partner, the Cambridge Community Foundation holds a range of funds that address community needs. We extend our gratitude to every donor who invests in the future by placing their philanthropic trust in the Cambridge Community Foundation. For more information on establishing a foundation fund or donor advised fund, learn more here. If you’re interested in planning your legacy in Cambridge, please visit our bequests page. To discuss a philanthropic partnership with the Foundation, please contact our vice president of development, Michal Rubin: [email protected].

Foundation funds

Anonymous (2)Eleanor Roberta Walker Scholarship FundRalph Chapman Jr. Memorial Fund
Alan Steinert FundFalcon Pride Scholarship FundRalph and Beryl B. Beatley Fund
Albert O. Wilson FundFood Security FundResident Services Empowerment Fund
Alfred Della Paolera Scholarship FundFriends of Jerry's Pond FundRichard H. and Amy L. Bird Fund
Alice Wolf Early Education and Care FundGuaranteed Basic Income FundRick Harriman and Kristen Wainwright Civic Leadership Fund
Americo J. Francisco CharityHead Of The Charles Regatta FundRindge School of Technical Arts Fund
Americo J. Francisco Elder's Fund for East CambridgeHenry Hall FundRonald Novendstern Fund
Anne H. and Dwight E. Harken FundHorace O. Bright FundRuth and Edith Lindblom Fund
Anne Longfellow Thorp FundHousing Stability FundRuth W. Motherwell Fund
Arrow Street Arts FundImagined in Cambridge! FundSara M. Bass Fund
Arthur L. and Geneva T. Malenfant FundJ. Jonas FundSarah Hope Moulton Fund
BankBoston FundJ. Preston Rice Memorial FundSheila Gamble Fund
Biogen Idec Fund for CambridgeJames Jerome Sullivan FundSpecial Fund
Bob Moses Fund for Education and OrganizingJudge Charles Almy FundSpirit of Cambridge Fund
Cambridge Art Association FundJudy and Bill Bibbins FundSpirit of Elaine Fund
Cambridge History Musuem FundKarnovsky FundStanley Lawton Fund
Cambridge COVID-19 Emergency FundLegends Live Forever, Xavier Louis-Jacques Scholarship FundStarlight Forever Fund
Cambridge Community Foundation Leadership FundLeo H. Dworsky FundStrategic Grantmaking Fund
Cambridge SNAP FundLocal News FundSynectics, Inc. Fund
Cambridge/Agassiz/Harvard/Community, Culture, and Recreation FundMary Mohrer Peer Counselors FundTeaching Philanthropy Fund
Carol and Sherwood Bain FundMrs. Marion Eiseman FundTheodora Keith Fund
Casimir and Elizabeth de Rham FundMylestones: The Myles P. Vercruysse Memorial FundTimothy and Joseph Traversy Fund
Chamberlin FundNan Haar FundTufts Health Plan Fund
Charlotte and Irving W. Rabb FundNatalie Zinn Haar Civic Leadership FundUnited Legal Defense Fund
Cornelia Balch Wheeler FundOpen Software Foundation FundUrgent Needs Fund
Cultural Capital FundParmenter FundVal Hinderlie Scholarship Fund
David Morganelli Scholarship FundPathway for Immigrant Workers FundWalter F. Earle Fund
Detlev and Dorothy Vagts FundPatricia and Herbert W. Pratt FundWalter Knight Sturges Fund
Diane Bushner Memorial FundPatricia Weiland Stavely Memorial BookZandy Bard Fund
Education Equity FundPaul and Martha Lawrence Fund
Eleanor Balkind Friedman FundPaul R. Corcoran Fund

Donor advised funds

AnonymousHodder Fund for Learning and TeachingPhilo Impact Fund
88 Stories FundHurlbut Legacy Fund for CambridgePradhan Family Fund
Alice Morris Sturges FundImpact FundRBS04 Fund
Anna Lenihan Charitable FundJackson Family FundReid Family Fund
Bartle Boghossian Family FundJean K. Mason FundSocial Justice Works! Fund
Beth and Marty Milkovits FundJinny Chalmers Fund for Education JusticeSonia F. Turek Fund
Bob Shea Memorial FundJohn R. Moot FundSt. Onge Family Fund
Cambridge Trust Company Customers' FundJohnson Family FundUpland Gardens Fund
Children's FundKowalski Loveall FundVaillant Family Fund
Cosulich Family Charitable FundLaskin Fund for CambridgeVirginia M. and George E. Wilson Campers Fund
Cranna/Leichtman Donor Advised FundThe Lauterbach-Sturges Charitable FundWernick-Hansman Family Fund
Derek and Ellen van Bever FoundationMann's Hill FundWhy Wait Fund
Endries Family FundMatthew Glidden Charitable FundWinifred Lenihan Charitable Fund
Gail Roberts FundMina Reddy Fund
Gardiner Family FundOaktree Appellant's Group: Affordable Housing Fund
Gwyn Gallagher Fund for CambridgeOpportunity Fund


The Cambridge Community Foundation recognizes the following donors who have established a legacy by including the Foundation in their estate plans through a bequest or other planned gift. We are grateful to these donors for their foresight and generosity in establishing future new funds or growing existing funds at the Foundation in a broad range of areas. To learn more about making a gift in your will or trust, please visit our bequests page.

Maurice Anderson*Sy DanbergArthur F. Musgrave*
Harry R. AndrewsC. Lansing Fair* and Julia M. FairGeeta Pradhan
Anne Silber Charitable FundNatalie Zinn Haar*Patricia Pratt*
Carol* and Sherwood Bain*Daniel Kern and Darlene CarsonCharles H. Rathbone*
Betty* and Art BardigeMargaret LampertRobert C. Reid*
Betsy and Joel BardWinifred LenihanBarbara Rimbach*
Sara M. Bass*Pam and Spike Lingel
Lauren and Jared CosulichEllen Moot*
