Our Strategic Plan Through 2028


We’re Committed

Our city is defined by juxtapositions—success and shortfall, wealth and poverty. Not everyone benefits from the city’s success, and the gaps are widening. This strategic plan is a roadmap for making a bigger impact on our community through partnerships and community action.

The Cambridge Community Foundation is committed to thinking big and pursuing bold, innovative ideas to solve our city’s most pressing problems.




In five years, we envision a Cambridge Where…


Low-income households have increased their financial stability from 25 percent to 50 percent.


Some 75 to 100 percent of students have access to postsecondary opportunities (college, trades, certificate programs), up from 60 percent.


Cambridge’s arts and culture ecosystem is strong and expanding.


Cross-sector collaborations and social innovations abound are growing.


Residents are more engaged in social and democratic life and better connected to one another.


Reduce economic disparities and strengthen community bonds to guarantee the future success 
of Cambridge.


To achieve our strategy, we’ve committed to two focus areas over the next five years: economic mobility and social cohesion. Both are fundamental to a healthy civic society, and they are inextricably linked. To advance economic mobility, we must support one another; to have social cohesion, we must create a path forward for the most vulnerable among us.

A two generation approach

We will create clear, measurable, multigenerational pathways to stabilize families in crisis, support their future success, and create opportunity for the next generation. Our first step is to grow Cambridge’s food safety net. We will follow that by addressing housing insecurity, increasing financial stability, and broadening access to postsecondary education.

Intended impacts

Cambridge families and their children can achieve financial and social mobility and have access to opportunity.

Program Strategies:
Grantmaking, Research

  • Grow safety net for food and housing
  • Increase financial mobility
  • Expand efforts and advocacy for greater equity and systems change
  • Increase post-secondary access and support
  • Boost post-secondary success and career options

5-year goals

50% of Cambridge’s low-income households will increase financial stability

75–100% of Cambridge’s students will have access to postsecondary opportunities opportunities

Cultural vibrancy and community building

We are focusing on social cohesion, because when we are connected, we are much better prepared to respond to crises and opportunities. We will invest in the arts, in sports, and in community activities. These are the spaces and places where everyone is equal, where marginalized voices are heard, and where people connect regardless of economic or social status. We will also support grassroots changemakers who are finding innovative ways to encourage connection and community.

Intended Impacts

To come together in moments of crisis and opportunity

Program Strategies: grantmaking, convening / engagement, other activities

  • Increase access to diverse arts and culture by supporting artists and institutions
  • Foster arts and culture engagement
  • Expand Imagined in Cambridge Social Innovation award and seed fund and help grow social entrepreneurship
  • Foster collaboration across communities and sectors
  • Support activities that connect People within and across communities
    Develop shared agendas for progress

5-year goals

Strengthen and Expand Cambridge’s Vibrant Diverse Arts and Culture Ecosystem of Cambridge’s low-income households will increase financial stability

Seed cross sector collaborations And social innovations

Strengthen resident engagement In social and democratic life, sense of connection to one another

Our Methodology

Our Methodology

We will follow a methodology rooted in research, collaboration, and deep partnerships to develop our strategic initiatives. We will build capacity to foster systemic change.




Our Strategic Initiatives

Over the next five years, through 2028, CCF will implement programs in deep partnership with nonprofits in these seven strategic areas. Our initiatives will be launched in phases. The first phase is currently underway, and the groundwork is being laid for additional phases of the plan.


Arts and Culture

Cambridge Arts River Festival

Invest in arts organizations and artists to enhance the cultural ecosystem

Social Innovations

Everybody Gotta Eat

Everybody Gotta Eat by John Huet

Build the community’s capacity to solve hyperlocal problems

Education access
and success


Ensure every child is prepared for the career of their choice

Economic security

Daily Table

Develop asset-building strategies for family economic security

Housing Stability

Foster efforts and resources for a housing safety net

Resident Engagement

Joint Family

Better connect residents to community activities, civic organizations, and one another