The Fund’s impact by the numbers:

awarded to artists and arts organizations
artists supported through grants
grants given to arts organizations


Can individuals apply to the fund?


Yes. You do not have to be a 501c3 organization to apply. Individual artists or groups of creators can apply to the fund based on their needs.


How much money is available?


We’re giving grants of $200 up to $1,000 based on individual and organization’s needs. Our goal is to help as many as we can who are hurting in these uncertain times.


I would like to apply for funding. Are there any criteria we should be aware of? How do I apply?


Submit a 100-word summary of the hardships you are facing because of COVID-19; and provide evidence of lost opportunity/income from a cancelled contract or letter of validation from a local nonprofit/civic leader, venue host, employer, or gig organizer. The application form will be available on this page starting Monday, March 23.

A limited number of grants of up to $5,000 will be made available to Cambridge arts organizations that employ current artists and performers and/or train future ones.


When will funds become available?


We are looking to deploy this money immediately to offer relief. We will be providing grants on a rolling basis with the first allocations expected to be made as soon as possible.


If I’m a donor, why should I give to this fund? How is it different than others?


This is a fund that provides more flexible support to the celebrated artists and cultural traditions in Cambridge, by giving immediate grants to meet urgent need. The Foundation is also building a Cultural Capital Fund that will provide an endowment for transformational investments in the longer term. We invite your investments in both of these efforts. In addition, the Foundation will continue to make bi-yearly grants to arts and culture nonprofits through our Community Fund, providing ongoing support to the sector as well. We invite your support for the arts community in all of these funds. 


Where can I make my donation?


Please make a donation here.


How is this different than the Boston Artist Relief Fund?


The Cambridge Community Foundation applauds the thoughtful work of the City of Boston and their philanthropic partners on the establishment of the Boston Artist Relief Fund. We were fortunate to learn from their work and are in close coordination to ensure that we can complement their efforts by taking care of our Cambridge artists alongside their effort to assist Boston’s artistic community. Our effort will strategically amplify rather than duplicate available resources for the Cambridge arts community.