Cultural Capital Fund

March 2021

October 2020

Are artists and arts groups eligible for grants from the Cultural Capital Fund now or in the future?

2021-03-04T20:17:57+00:00October 28th, 2020||

Individual artists and groups are not eligible at this time but the Foundation will look to partner with local arts organizations to ensure artists in the community are supported through arts nonprofits. The funding available will expand based on additional funds raised and community needs.  

What are the criteria for eligibility for grants?

2021-03-08T19:41:07+00:00October 28th, 2020||

Primary mission must be to promote access, excellence, diversity, or education through arts and culture.  Be tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or apply through a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor and be in good standing with the Secretary of the Commonwealth.  Must be located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Must describe any funds the arts organization has previously received in COVID-19 relief funding from the City, including other grants from the Mayor’s Disaster Relief Fund or CARES Act.  Media arts organization applicants such as community tv stations shall have over 50% of programming time for arts and culture and/or the core business is related to youth programming or workforce development in arts and culture. If you are applying as an emerging organization:  Be an arts organization engaged in planning / running arts programming and events in response to local needs or community issues.  If you are applying as an established organization:   Be an arts organization that has provided public arts or cultural programming for both 2018 & 2019 in the City.  Offer public cultural programming in and have a history of year-round operations in the City.   In addition to the requirements above, established organizations seeking capital grants must:  have had minimum cash expenses of $50,000 for both calendar years 2018 and 2019; and 

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