Social Equity

March 2021

A letter from our president: Let’s raise our voices for tolerance and respect.

2021-03-22T21:35:18-04:00March 22nd, 2021|Civic Leadership, Cultural Richness, Philanthropy, Press Release, Social Equity|

Dear neighbors, Last week, the voices of eight citizens, including six Asian women, were silenced by a white man with a gun. This devastating act changed the lives of their loved ones, raised fear among Asian Americans in communities across the nation, and elevated, yet again, the ugly face of racism in the United States. In Cambridge, a city that cherishes its diversity, we respect all cultures, religions, ethnicities, and racial groups and honor each for how they enrich our community. We stand with all communities that experience fear and prejudice. We speak out against injustice when we see it. It matters how we treat each other and how we value one another because we are not separate from our community; we are part of its voice and protectors of its values. So, as we move into another week, without those eight voices in Georgia, let’s raise ours through words and deeds. Let’s embrace tolerance and respect for one another. Let’s learn from those with lived experiences and a story to tell. Let’s do the work necessary to combat racism and expand equity in our community. We’re incredibly fortunate to have a community that is digging into this work now. Tomorrow, the Cambridge Public Library Foundation will host

February 2021

Cambridge Community Foundation distributes $484,093 with State support to 22 nonprofits addressing hunger, evictions, and digital divide

2021-02-11T20:06:08-05:00February 11th, 2021|Grantmaking, Philanthropy, Press Release, Shared Prosperity, Social Equity|

Ranging from $29,000 to $10,000, the grants will help local nonprofits support vulnerable populations struggling with food insecurity, housing insecurity, utility arrears, and lack of access to technology for remote work and school.  

January 2021

The Cambridge Community Foundation distributes $45,000 in grants to nine shelters, helping the housing insecure in Cambridge, MA

2021-01-28T21:50:06-05:00January 28th, 2021|Grantmaking, Philanthropy, Press Release, Social Equity|

Photo by CASPAR. The Cambridge Community Foundation has awarded a new round of nine ‘surprise,’ need-inspired grants to organizations offering emergency housing and supporting people facing homelessness this winter.  The $5,000 grants totaling $45,000 come from the Cambridge COVID-19 Emergency Fund, which is fueled by donations from hundreds of residents concerned about the impact of the pandemic on the livelihood and wellbeing of their neighbors. The Foundation has pledged to quickly distribute grants from the Fund to help nonprofits address emergency issues ranging from food insecurity, housing insecurity and shelter for the homeless, cash for urgent needs, access to connectivity, and emergency childcare. (To learn about our first round of need-inspired grants, which gave $40,000 to food pantries and programs last month, read more here.) This year, homelessness is on the rise in Cambridge. The Street Outreach team at CASPAR, which helps those battling homelessness, reports that, of the people they support, 80% more are sleeping outside compared to last fall. “The numbers seem to keep growing," said Julia W. Londergan, Esq., director of development.  In a normal year, winter is the most challenging time for people experiencing homelessness and home-insecurity, but during the pandemic, safe beds, healthy meals, and warm, socially-distant day spaces have become hard-to-find, critical needs.  At the Y2Y Shelter, where young adults aged 18 to 24 can find beds and support services, the loss of day-space is detrimental. “Some of our shelter guests are riding back and forth on the T to stay warm. The problem is it can take a toll on people’s bodies,”

December 2020

October 2020

Cambridge Community Foundation Recognizes Five Groups with Second Annual Imagined in Cambridge Social Innovation Award

2024-02-27T19:39:11-05:00October 8th, 2020|Civic Leadership, Cultural Richness, Grantmaking, Philanthropy, Press Release, Shared Prosperity, Social Equity, Social Innovation|

Photo of blackyard, 2020 Imagined in Cambridge Award winner, by Philip Keith for The New York Times. Supporting Grassroots Projects Tackling Pressing Social Issues October 8, 2020—Cambridge, MA At a virtual celebration on October 8, 2020, the Cambridge Community Foundation (CCF) named the recipients of its second annual Imagined in Cambridge! Social Innovation Award, recognizing five grassroots projects that nurture strong communities and tackle systemic barriers to equity and opportunity. Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui announced blackyard, a co-op for Black and multi-racial youth and teenagers that in the words of its founder: “dismantles white supremacy within and lifts up the brilliance of Black, Indigenous, and Brown people,” through homeschooling, arts activities, conversations around equity for youth and teenagers, and supports for youth organizers, as the first prize winner. The program, founded by veteran teacher and Cambridge resident Ashley Herring, was awarded $5,000, and joined by four runners-up—Friday Night Hype, Kids Fete, Our Fire Collective, and Women of Cambridge Cards—each receiving $1,000. The five award winners offer innovative solutions to big social needs, such as supporting Black and Brown youth, promoting social justice and cultural pride, offering mental health supports for youth and teachers, and elevating female leaders. Watch our short

September 2020

July 2020

The Cambridge Community Foundation distributes $200,000 in grants to nonprofits through MA COVID-19 Relief Fund

2020-07-14T16:27:26-04:00July 14th, 2020|Civic Leadership, Grantmaking, Philanthropy, Press Release, Shared Prosperity, Social Equity|

The Cambridge Community Foundation (CCF) has distributed $200,000 in new grants to nine nonprofits providing support for basic needs and mental health to vulnerable individuals and families in Cambridge, Somerville, and Medford. 

June 2020

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