Civic Leadership

August 2021

June 2021

May 2021

April 2021

Cambridge is first city in New England to launch mayor-championed guaranteed income pilot initiative for single caretaker households

2021-06-08T12:53:32-04:00April 15th, 2021|Civic Leadership, Philanthropy, Press Release, Shared Prosperity|

April 15, 2021 | Cambridge, MA—Cambridge Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui announced today plans to launch a new Guaranteed Income Pilot Initiative, providing much-needed support for Cambridge’s most vulnerable residents. The initiative will offer $500 no-strings-attached monthly payments to 120 eligible single caretaker households over an 18-month period beginning in August. Participants will be chosen by lottery.   The Cambridge RISE (Recurring Income for Success and Empowerment) project is spearheaded by Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui, Vice-Mayor Alanna Mallon, Councillor Marc McGovern and a wide consortium of nonprofit partners throughout the City, including the Cambridge Community Foundation, Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee, Just-A-Start, and the Cambridge Housing Authority. The payments will be handled/managed through UpTogether (formerly called the Family Independence Initiative), the distribution partner for Cambridge RISE.   In Cambridge, one out of every 10 families with children under the age of 18 live below the poverty line, while one in three female-headed households with minor children live below the poverty line. Cambridge residents who are Black or African American and those who are of Hispanic or Latinx origin are twice as likely to live under the poverty line, with the pandemic exacerbating the health and wealth gaps amongst race and gender.  According to a new research

New research report shows a widening income gap in Cambridge

2021-04-07T11:10:23-04:00April 7th, 2021|Civic Leadership, Philanthropy, Press Release, Shared Prosperity, Social Equity|

A new research report by the Foundation confirms Cambridge is a leader among the nation’s innovation cities, and through a decade of data, tells the story of how the city’s unprecedented prosperity has benefitted some residents, while others, primarily Black and low-income residents, are being left behind.

The Cambridge Community Foundation awards $533,000 in grants to local nonprofits this spring

2021-04-02T12:42:05-04:00April 1st, 2021|Civic Leadership, Cultural Richness, Grantmaking, Nonprofit Spotlight, Philanthropy, Press Release, Shared Prosperity, Social Equity|

In response to sustained demands on nonprofits in Cambridge, the Cambridge Community Foundation (CCF) increased allocated funds for its spring grantmaking by 50%, supporting nonprofits involved in youth programs and education, housing, hunger, homelessness, elder services, the arts, COVID-19 relief, and racial justice. 

March 2021

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