Published On: November 17th, 2022


Supporting solutions during Homeless Youth Awareness Month and beyond.

The crisis of homelessness affects neighbors, friends, and vulnerable youth in Cambridge every day. But there are solutions helping those who face housing insecurity as they strive for the universal needs of safety, security, and well-being.

The City of Cambridge 2022 report, “Addressing Homelessness in Cambridge, MA”, reveals more than 500 members of the community, on any given night, have no home. The pandemic only contributed more destabilization for those facing this growing crisis.

But coordinated efforts can break the cycle of homelessness. That’s why we’re working closely with our nonprofit partners ensuring access to safe housing and essential resources.

Last year, we awarded $275K in grants to 28 nonprofit partners addressing housing insecurity through shelters and support services. Organizations like Y2Y, pictured above, create a safe space and a sense of community for those in shelter, and offer volunteer opportunities for neighbors who want to make a difference. There are many other organizations addressing these challenges and creating sustainable pathways for those who need them, including Fenway Community Health’s Youth on Fire, Breaktime United Inc., and CASPAR, Inc.

As part of a whole, we can join forces to strengthen our city and help those in need by giving what we can, whether it’s a donation to a nonprofit, volunteering our time, or buying a warm meal for a neighbor.


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