Published On: November 27th, 2017

November 27, 2017

Dear Cambridge Friends,

What do you want for your community?

For many, the answer is the same as what we all want for our children and loved ones: good health, an education that will support them in their work and lives, and the means to fulfill their dreams.

For too many, those goals are just beyond their grasp.  15% of our community now lives in poverty, and they are making hard choices every day.

That’s why the Cambridge Community Foundation was established over one hundred years ago, and why we continue granting over $1.3 million annually creating opportunity, hope, and shared prosperity. 

Through the power and impact of collective giving , your gift directly supports a civic agenda benefitting everyone in Cambridge and nonprofits that build lasting relationships with communities one person at a time.

This year, an anonymous donor is offering $25,000 to support the Foundation’s civic leadership agenda.  Join your neighbors with a gift  for Cambridge. 

Your gift will promote a caring and compassionate city, and support our community’s foundation – Cambridge Community Foundation.



Geeta Pradhan



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