Published On: June 10th, 2022

On June 8, almost 200 people gathered to participate in a community conversation on persistent disparities in educational achievement and opportunities for our youth in Cambridge and how our city can take action. National and local experts discussed ways we can better support our young people for success. We’ll be sharing insights from the conversation soon.

Our heartfelt thanks goes to our speakers, student performers, event supporters, and all who attended. This is an important conversation that does not end in Starlight Square.

“Thriving children are the best indicator of a community’s health and wellbeing. If children do well, our families do well,” said our president Geeta Pradhan. “And so does our community. We all have a stake in it. It is not only the right thing to do, from the perspective of justice and responsibility, it’s also the smart thing to do. We invite you to join us in this just cause.”


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