Published On: November 2nd, 2021

Photo of Work Force participants, courtesy of the Work Force. 

Our endowment funds have been serving local youth for over a century, and today we celebrate the addition of a new endowed fund under our roof – the Resident Services Empowerment (RSE) Fund, benefiting the nationally lauded Work Force program at the Cambridge Housing Authority (CHA).

“We’ve been long-time supporters of this model program because of the incredible impact it has on the trajectory of our young people,” said Geeta Pradhan. “The endowment for the Work Force program leverages the power of collective giving to help ensure the wellbeing of future generations.”

When it comes to putting young people on pathways to success, the Work Force is a program with a proven track record of helping hundreds of youth in Cambridge public housing matriculate, persist in college, and graduate on time, leading to careers and financial independence.

We’re grateful to the CHA and the Work Force for choosing the Cambridge Community Foundation as a home for this fund and invite others to invest in the endowment of a program moving the needle for local youth. Donate here. 

Learn more on the CHA’s website.


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