Published On: June 13th, 2024

Dear neighbor,

Cambridge is a wonderful city and a great place to live. But not everyone enjoys all of its benefits, and many are getting left behind. That’s why we’re here—to ensure a just, equitable, and vibrant Cambridge for all.

That’s a tall order. We’re working on it though, and we need the entire community to join in.

This year, we launched a new strategic plan focused on economic mobility and social cohesion, understanding that we can’t have economic mobility without the community coming together, and we can’t have real social cohesion if some of us don’t have a path forward. Our first step – to shore up the city’s food safety net in partnership with nonprofits – is well underway with a $1.1 million investment. Our next step is investing in arts and culture to help build bridges among neighborhoods and groups.

We’re deepening our connections in the community, leading by learning, strengthening partnerships, and paving the way forward so that everyone can experience the best of Cambridge.

Our theme for the year ahead is Making Good. It speaks to our mission—to look out for one another. Stand up for one another. Be good to one another. It’s our promise to you—to make good now, so we can protect what’s best about our city.

Join us with a gift to the Cambridge Community Foundation. Our fiscal year ends June 30 and we need your donation now to help us make good for everyone in Cambridge. Your gift to CCF is for the city you love. Donate here.

Best regards,

Phil Johnson

Board Chair