Published On: September 27th, 2024
A group of five people standing together and smiling in a cafeteria setting. The group is diverse in age and attire, with a mixture of casual and professional clothing.

Andus, Liz, Rowan, Ms. VB, and Timbet Alemu, the 2024 Falcon Pride Enroot Scholar.

Cambridge’s future leaders

College-bound students get advice and support from family, teachers, and friends, but in Cambridge, that support can also come from neighbors. At CCF, it comes through the Falcon Pride Scholarship program. Now in its seventh year, the program awards a $10,000 multi-year scholarship to eight Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS) graduates each year. The scholarship, supported by the collective giving of CRLS parents, alumni and community members, aims to ensure that graduates have the financial support they need to thrive throughout college.

The program was co-founded by Andus Baker, his wife Rowan Murphy, and fellow CRLS parent Liz Keating. Andus, Rowan, and Liz recognized a disparity at CRLS, where students from lower income families struggled to absorb the incidental costs associated with attending college. So, they decided to ease the burden on the next generation. In partnership with CCF, Andus, Rowan, and Liz started the Falcon Pride Scholarship program in 2017.

 “We were incredibly grateful for the $50K investment from the Foundation [in 2017], but as CCF has grown and developed, it has really benefited Falcon Pride,” said Andus. “I have 100 percent confidence that the money we give to Falcon Pride is used effectively, and that CCF staff and supporters are investing a huge amount of time to make this program succeed.”

Benefits beyond dollars

The Falcon Pride Scholarship provides more than just financial aid. The program offers yearly payments throughout a student’s college years. These payments go directly to the young people, to spend on school according to their needs – helping them manage hidden costs, like textbooks. However, the impact extends beyond funding. The scholarship keeps students connected to their community through relationships with the foundation, its donors and Falcon Pride alumni, offering support throughout their academic journey.

Ms. Susie Van Blaricum, Dean of Students for Learning Community at CRLS, reflected on the deeper impact of the scholarship: “The Falcon Pride Scholarship is so thoughtful in how it seeks to support kids. It’s not a one-and-done. It’s really working with the recipients throughout their entire collegiate career. These students are incredible—they’re connected to our community, and they’re going to do great things.”

This spring, following CRLS’s scholarship night, CCF hosted a special breakfast at the school, welcoming the newest Falcon Pride scholars. Brandon Solis and Danny DiCamillo from CCF’s programming team, were on hand to help students get set up in CCF’s system. “We’re really thinking about how the Foundation can support students and cultivate the next generation of leaders in Cambridge,” Brandon said. “A lot of the work we did focused on elevating student support services, letting them know that as a foundation, we’re here to help them succeed and support their dreams.”

Care packages, assembled by Liz Keating and her son Drew, were later distributed to ensure students were prepared as they embarked on their college adventures.

A tradition of neighbors supporting the next generation.

CCF was founded by the Parmenter scholarship that has supported generations of students as they pursued their academic dreams. Today, Falcon Pride continues that legacy. “People see Falcon Pride as a beacon of light, and when they put their money in Falcon Pride, they know Cambridge kids will be supported, nurtured, and stay connected to a community that cares,” said Michal Rubin, vice president of philanthropic partnerships at CCF.

As the program grows, so does its impact. The Falcon Pride Scholarship is more than a financial boost—it’s a bridge between students’ academic ambitions and the support of a community that wants to see them succeed. Together, with the continued generosity of donors and the dedication of CCF staff, the program will continue to empower the next generation of leaders in Cambridge.

Make good for Cambridge’s future leaders and donate to Falcon Pride Scholarship.


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