On Friday, October 25th, join us for an evening of dance, live music, and support for immigrant communities. The event will feature live music by Somerville’s classic rockers Stanley and the Undercovers, plus a special dance performance by Jean Appolon Expressions. All proceeds benefit the United Legal Defense Fund for Immigrants, which gives grants to local organizations offering pro-bono legal assistance to immigrants. Help our neighbors stay out of and get out of detention centers.
Get your tickets now at dancefordignity.eventbrite.com
Event details:
When: Friday, October 25th, 7-10:30pm
Where: The Somerville Armory, 191 Highland Avenue
Cost: Tickets are $20
Organized in partnership with the City of Cambridge and Mayor Marc McGovern, the City of Somerville and Mayor Joe Curtatone, and Stanley and the Undercovers.
Why we need your support
Many immigrant families, children, and workers in our community are caught up in a humanitarian crisis that is tearing families apart, threatening to deport TPS holders and DREAMers from the only home they have ever known, and exposing asylum seekers to the persecution and abuse they faced in their home countries. Help us help our most vulnerable neighbors in Cambridge and Somerville with a tax-deductible contribution to the United Legal Defense Fund for Immigrants. Currently, only 37% of all immigrants and 14% of detained immigrants go to court accompanied with a lawyer. Deportation proceedings are considered civil matters, so lawyers are not provided by the court. Those with legal representation have a five times higher chance of achieving a favorable outcome.
Donate to the United Legal Defense Fund or learn more at https://www.gofundme.com/f/united-legal-defense-fund