Nonprofit Spotlight
Cambridge Community Foundation is a proud supporter of Cambridge Community Television (CCTV), an award-winning community media center that serves Cambridge’s diverse populations and our partnership is deepening. CCF has been funding Cambridge Community Television’s Youth Media Program for 17 years. The Youth Media Program promotes healthy development by providing underserved teens with training to express themselves creatively. In paid positions as media artists, youth have the opportunity to develop valuable career skills, and break through mainstream media messages to tell honest stories about themselves and their community. Ninety percent of participants report that the program gives them a chance to learn skills they do not learn elsewhere. Participants develop self-worth and confidence in their ability to achieve personal, academic, and career goals.
Amid a citywide movement to better address the needs of high school graduates struggling with the academic, financial and social demands of college, the Youth Media Program expanded its scope, offering recent program graduates between 18 and 25 years of age positions as Youth Trainers and Advanced Producers. Josue Cardozo, who was a participant for two years before he enrolled in the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in 2016, continued involvement as a Youth Trainer and an Advanced Producer. This spring, he worked with Cambridge Community Foundation staff and CCTV Youth Media Coordinator Jordy Brazo to produce a powerful video celebrating the City of Cambridge and reflecting on the challenges the City is facing.
On June 27, 2018 CCTV is livestreaming our CCF Forum, Lives in Limbo: Immigration as a Human Rights Issue, a conversation about current immigration policies and their impact featuring leading scholars and immigration lawyers in our local communities. You can watch the event live from 5:00-7:45PM on Cambridge Channel 8 or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cctvcambridge.