Published On: November 17th, 2021

Dear friend,

We live in one of the country’s great innovation cities. Ideas from our world-famous institutions have changed societies, cured diseases, and launched technological revolutions. But innovation can come from anywhere.

Sometimes, it springs up from the most unexpected sources.

Aviana Dupee (pictured above) is a 10-year-old who saw her friends struggling with isolation, depression, and the stress of interpersonal conflict at her elementary school, Kennedy-Longfellow. Mental health for youth is a big concern, and Aviana envisioned a simple solution that could change lives.

She proposed a new program, called HEART Jr., to offer safe spaces for kids to have conversations and share their struggles with one another while having fun. In October, she became the youngest winner of our Imagined in Cambridge! Social Innovation Award. Her idea is getting off the ground with a $5,000 grant and the support of her community.

Aviana’s story points to the growing problems Cambridge faces and the power of hyperlocal solutions to address them. But with a city that’s changing as fast as ours, who will find and foster these ideas?

We will. Whether they come from a young person who sees a problem and acts, or a nonprofit that’s been the backbone of a neighborhood for a century, we will support them because we are our community’s foundation.

Through collective investments, we make Cambridge stronger. But we cannot do this work without you. Join us—invest in us so that we can grow solutions, support impactful ideas, and ensure Cambridge remains the vibrant, creative city we love.

Donate now.


Geeta Pradhan


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