Published On: December 28th, 2021

Dear neighbors,

When I learned last spring about Cambridge RISE, the Mayor’s guaranteed basic income initiative pilot, I was really intrigued and impressed by the cross-sector collaboration—the universities, businesses, private philanthropists who had signed on to join the City and the Cambridge Community Foundation (CCF). My husband Jared and I were excited to tap our donor advised fund at CCF to support this experimental program that, in the near term, was valuable for participants but which also might help guide public policy on a larger scale, through research of data collected.

For me, this is key: Partnerships with a community foundation are investments in the future. They’re not just about near-term charitable acts; they’re about bringing philanthropy to a situation that can produce the research, the thinking, the collaboration, and experiments, proof of concepts that can power a better world for future generations.

I want the future to be bright in Cambridge, for my children and my children’s peers, but I also want that to happen on a larger scale.

I alone can’t make that happen, just like I alone can’t make a guaranteed income program come to life. But through collective giving, we can.

As we near the year’s end, I encourage philanthropists who care about Cambridge to consider partnering with CCF. Here you can be part of the collective giving that makes Cambridge and our society stronger.

Donate today. 


Lauren Cosulich 

CCF Board Member and Fund Holder


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